Internet Income Course 2.0 - Making Sense Of Internet Marketing for Your Internet Income


Welcome to the Course Index of our Internet Income Course 2.0!

The lessons here promise an exciting and insightful study time on Stop by for interesting lessons full of tips, real-world advice, and in-depth, step-by-step instructions on setting up your Internet-based business. Course author, George Little, uses plain English to explain the ins and outs of starting and running a profitable online business in today's ever-changing global market.

We advise that you read and digest one lesson at a time. Take time to go over it again and again until you understand it deeply before going onto the next course. Indeed, remember that the first fourteen courses listed below are foundational lessons. So go through them first, over and over. Happy learning!

Course Index

[I]. Why Internet Marketing? General principles, tools, and strategies

A). Foundational Lessons for Internet Marketing

  1. The Continuing Potential Of Internet Income
  2. Learning To Play By The Rules
  3. Introduction To Internet Traffic
  4. Effective Branding
  5. Obtaining Publicity
  6. Links To Your Site
  7. Publicizing Your Site
  8. Promoting Your Site
  9. Using Paid Advertising
  10. Organic Search Ranking--An Introduction
  11. Organic Search Ranking--Keywords and SEO
  12. Staying Current With The Search Engines
  13. Flow
  14. Social Media Presence
  15. A Glimpse Of The Future Of Internet and Internet Marketing

B). Specific techniques and strategies for Internet Marketing

  1. Consumer Generated Content
  2. Formulating A Plan
  3. Starting Your Own Blog
  4. Social Media In Perspective
  5. Learning By Example
  6. Tapping The Power Of Social Media
  7. Twitter
  8. Facebook
  9. Timing Your Posts
  10. Finding Your Brand
  11. Finding Your Target Market - Introduction
  12. Personas: Understanding It and Its Value to Your Marketing Strategy
  13. Creating Personas
  14. Creating Personas, Part 2
  15. Creating Personas, Part 3

[II]. How-to of Internet Marketing: Learning how to do it all yourself from scratch

A). Building your online presence

  1. Foundation laid: Building Begins
  2. WordPress: Choosing a Host and Getting Started
  3. WordPress: Installing Plugins
  4. WordPress: Find, Install and Configure Yoast SEO
  5. WordPress: Configure Yoast SEO + Install and Activate User Profile Picture
  6. Google Analytics: Understanding the Basics for Your Business
  7. Preparing for Google Analytics
  8. Activating Google Analytics
  9. Email & Newsletters: Getting Started


  1. Thank you so much for this course @Saibaworld. Really very helpful to me

  2. Interesting course. Very engaging and expository content, thanks

  3. More please! Are the topics ended?

    1. This is an ongoing project. Links to lessons will continue to be added until complete. I suggest you subscribe to our updates, and be kindly patient as we gradually complete the lessons. Thanks
