
18 January 2016

Tried-and-true Software Products Your Company’s IT Decision Makers Cannot Afford to Overlook

Written by a Guest Contributor


As an entrepreneur, business owner or corporate executive, you have to know what’s best for you in order to attain success and surpass your competitors.

Data storage and data management are fundamental aspects you need to consider for productivity levels to stay afloat. Profitability and overall efficiency depend on competent IT. Most companies today – regardless of size and shape – operate online. That being said, without a bulletproof security system you won’t be able to do business. Software programs are not just meant to help you save time and money; they’re also meant to keep you protected from cyber attacks.

A company’s IT department should make smart decisions in order to ensure that everything goes by the book, and that all data is kept up-to-date and running properly. Here are some products you shouldn’t overlook if you want to make yourself noticed.

Software products every company’s IT must look for

1). Cloud computing

Cloud computing is better described as a service and not a product. It is one of the best “products” on the market when it comes to managing IT inside a company. The benefits are numerous. Rather than opt for in-house IT, invest in software and train people to use, it’s a much cheaper and safer option to buy yourself a “spot” on an online server that will make sure the data you provide is kept safe and secure.

Cloud computing

According to PC Mag, the best cloud computing storage services of 2015 were IDrive, Crash Plan, Dropbox, Microsoft One Drive, and HighTail.

Also see: 5 Mistakes You Must Avoid When Buying Cloud Services

2). Wave Accounting

As opposed to most software products available for business these days, Wave Accounting is free. It uses cloud computing, which means it is suitable for businesses operating in different parts of the world. The software may not be as efficient as a paid program, but it’s still an excellent solution for new start-ups with a limited budget. Wave Accounting tracks expenses, sends invoices and creates financial reports. To get more of this service, select a paid programs plan, according to the needs of your business.

3). Mozy

Mozy is a backup and recovery software program that your IT department will love. When operating a business, companies should pay close attention to data storage and management. Files are usually backed-up on an external drive or transferred onto a network attached storage (NAS) device.

Cyber security using Mozy for your business

But what if the entire office burns to the ground? What happens to the data? Sadly, there’s nothing you can do to get it back. This is where Mozy comes in. The backup service archives everything important you access on the internet, and it does all that automatically. Mozy is safe and secure, and all you have to do to get the backup is click the Mozy feature when using the internet. The software costs $5 per month and it provides unlimited support.

Also see: Top Ways To Keep Your Important Business Data Safe And Accessible

4). FileMaker Pro

If your company doesn’t already have a database program, then you should try FileMaker Pro. The application is a lot more intuitive than other similar ones currently available. It provides advanced features such as live SQL data support and web publishing capabilities. This allows your employees and business partners to access the company database through a browser. Furthermore, it comes with numerous pre-installed templates to help you stay up to date. The software program comes at the price of $299.

5). Avira Antivirus

Forget all about old-fashioned computer anti-virus software, and try Avira. It is important for companies to keep themselves safe.

Avira antivirus

A solid antivirus package does more than just spot threats. Avira provide enterprise level protection. The security service for PC is free of charge, although if you want to be 100% sure that you’re safe, a paid plan is a lot more recommended. Avira offers protection for mail and file services, as well as for additional central services. Unlike most similar products currently available, Avira additionally provides cloud protection and real-time cloud scanning. It analyzes unknown files and protects your data as new files appear in real time.

Also see: Cyber Security Awareness - How To Avoid Online Hacker Attacks And Scams

The IT department of a company deals with challenges on a daily basis. It’s time to make smart decisions for your business! Keep it safe and consider the best software programs if you want to be one step ahead of your competition and never risk losing important data.

Author Bio
This article has been written and submitted for publication on by Davis Miller and!

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